Dressing for Success: A Guide to Muslim Clothing
For Muslim men and women, wearing the correct clothing in public can sometimes be confusing. What’s modest enough? What’s acceptable? And how can you look stylish at the same time? The following guide to dressing for success as a Muslim should help answer these questions and more as you shop for Muslim clothing online or in person.
What Is Hijab
The word hijab comes from an Arabic word meaning barrier or curtain. It is commonly used to describe modest Islamic clothing that covers more than just a woman’s hair. Some Muslims believe it is mandatory in Islam, while others believe that it is a personal choice. The Quran does not explicitly state whether women must wear hijab or cover their heads and bodies.
What Should Women Wear
Dressing conservatively is a major tenet of Islam. As such, both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly when in public. There are many different opinions on what constitutes modest clothing—and most women find that it’s a fairly individual choice—but here are some general guidelines.
What Are the Common Misconceptions About Hijab
When people see a woman in hijab, they’re likely to notice all sorts of things that aren’t actually hijab. The most common mistake is assuming that women who wear it cover their faces and never show their hair, but there are many other ways people get it wrong.
Wearing The Hijab In Different Environments
When deciding what to wear, consider where you’ll be going and how dressed up you want to look. Avoid wearing tight clothing as it will make things uncomfortable. Wearing clothing that is too revealing or form-fitting could also lead others to make assumptions about your character, so avoid such outfits if you don’t want people assuming things about you.
Modesty with Accessories
Modesty is a virtue that both men and women in Islamic societies are expected to uphold. That means covering your skin and wearing clothing that leaves little room for interpretation. The most popular style of modest clothing has developed over time, and is commonly known as modern Islam kleredrag (i.e., Islamic-style dress). When modesty is defined by social rules or norms, cultural issues arise.
Modesty in Dress and Greeting People
The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, Modesty is part of faith.[1] He also said, It is not permitted for a man to look at a woman and desire her sexually. If he looks at her in any other way, that is fine.[2] Modesty includes covering one’s self with clothes that do not reveal what should be hidden from people outside of one’s immediate family.
Seeking Refuge in Allah
Allah (swt) tells us in Surah Al-Tawbah, O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies (jilbab)… (Qur’an 9:59). The word jilbab is usually translated as cloak or garment. In fact, according to one hadith it is a garment worn on top of all other garments.