Men Type Quiz Made for Women
To all the women out there who have ever wondered what type of man they should be dating, here’s your answer. Men Type Quiz Made for Women has finally arrived to solve this mystery once and for all. This engaging new quiz is designed to provide you with an in-depth profile of the men you meet, which means that you can make better decisions about potential dates in the future. Once you’ve taken the quiz, check out these 8 tips on how to date someone who fits your personality best.
What is your ideal date?
The trickiest thing about dating is that we often don’t know what our ideal date looks like. Most people say they want someone who is honest, but they also think that honesty means spilling every single emotion you’ve ever had in their presence. Most people would consider a perfect date to be something as simple as dinner and a movie, but some might have never gone on one of those before and wouldn’t mind something more unique and wild.
Which game would you play with your man?
Every woman has her game of choice. After playing (and probably winning) at The Newlywed Game, I decided to create a quiz to determine which game you should play with your man. Which game would you choose?
What kind of films do you watch together?
Men and women have different preferences when it comes to movies, so make sure you know what kind of flicks your guy will enjoy. If you’re dating a cinephile, he’ll enjoy watching artsy indie films with you. And if your guy is more into box office hits, see if he wants to check out a blockbuster movie with you at home or head out to an Imax theater.
At what time do you leave for bed on a Saturday night?
I sleep from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. on Saturday night, but if I’ve had a drink or two, I might stay up until 11 p.m., just in case something awesome happens! I know it’s going to happen because it always does! But in all seriousness, 10:30 is when my eyes start feeling heavy and my body just wants to go to sleep.
Where does he take you on vacation?
If he wants to take you on vacation, it’s a clear indication that he views you as more than just a fling. If he asks to spend time with your family and friends, it also shows that he is interested in being seen in public with you.
How does he propose to you?
Here’s a fun and unique quiz that reveals what kind of man he is. Is he thoughtful or wild? Romantic or spontaneous? Once you figure it out, it will help you decide if he’s right for you. It’s also a great way to share your compatibility with friends!
Would you have married him if it weren’t for his wealth?
We were dating for two years when he proposed. I was smitten. If it weren’t for his wealth, we wouldn’t have married. He lived in a huge house and had a fancy car (he also treated me to meals at restaurants far beyond my means). There’s no doubt that I loved him because of what he had, not who he was.
If a woman has only 2 choices, which one would she pick…Love or Wealth. Why?
Because money cannot buy love and thus, if given a choice between love and wealth, more women would choose love. That’s where we come in with our Men Type Quiz made for women to help you find true love instead of settling for wealth. First…we ask you to rate your level of thirst on a scale from 1-10 – 10 being DONE!